In Pueblo Nuevo at least our losing streaks are only about 3…

Yes, we’ve been playing soccer up at the fields for a couple weeks now, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 am-12 pm. There’s a group of guys that get together to play and we’ve kind of insinuated ourselves into the mix. So we’re having fun, getting better at soccer (not saying much), and getting to know a […]

More Orthodoxy

Here’s another Chesterton quote (I really think C.S. Lewis quotes this or says something similar, somewhere, in Mere Christianity, maybe, or Surprise By Joy. But I’m not hunting it down.): it might be true that the sun rises regularly because he never gets tired of rising. His routine might be due, not to a lifelessness, […]

VBS Song

A good excuse to try out a feature. While big brother Drew spent the week at Camp, Gavin and Fiona did VBS at El Camino. Here’s the final song.


One of the great features of an iPod is the Kindle app. I’ve been pulling old classics off the Internet and actually reading them, instead of just saying I should (ok, I’m still stuck at about 20% of Moby Dick; it’s hard). So lately I’ve been reading Orthodoxy, by GK Chesterton, and it is indeed […]


Well, we finally broke down and got on Twitter…in the last few weeks I noticed that several of our activities would be perfect to mention in 140 characters or less and decided that I should sign up…actually, I thought that it would be nice to mention what we were doing (with Caleb and Ethan, or […]

June/July Prayer Letter

Well, the latest prayer letter is out. We debuted GoogleGroups to send it out. One email, 30 seconds to send, vs, 650 emails, all day, one hundred at a time. We’ll see how that goes. I’m happy, though, and less time on that make Barbara-Lee happy, and THAT makes the whole family happy! Here’s the […]


This week (after saying goodbye to Mom & Dad) we were supposed to do an English camp for the teachers at the elementary school where Tim does computer classes. However, coming into this week, we were picking up pretty clear signs that it wasn’t going to work out. First, the Education Department extended the year […]