A memory of/En memoria de Carlos de la Garza

Este es largo, pero con mucho amor. This is a little long, but with a lot of love. Español y English. Christmas Eve morning we got a phone call that you never want. Carlos de la Garza, one of the elders at Comunidad Bíblica (our old church here) and a good friend and dear brother […]

Reading in Mexico

One of the big issues in Mexican education is reading, or lack thereof. Mexicans just don’t read. A common figure thrown around is that the average Mexican reads 2 books a year vs. 6 for the average American. No idea if that’s true or where is comes from, but it passes the sniff test–although our […]

A Virgin and a Rock

Today is December 12th. In Mexico that means it’s the Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. 480 years ago today, so the story goes, an indigenous peasant named, Juan Diego, was on a hill outside (today’s) Mexico City when a Virgin appeared to him and told him to build a church there. His skeptical bishop […]

A model to emulate

This reflects the kind of work we think is the right way to do ministry, here in Pueblo Nuevo and in a lot (most?) of places: “Atheism (Christianity) has been specially advanced through the loving service rendered to strangers, and through their care for the burial of the dead. It is a scandal that there […]


Ok, I just tweeted this (see in the sidebar to the left?), but English is really weird (or is it “wierd”? I always get it wrong the first time). I was reading Fellowship of the Ring to Drew last night and came across this sentence: “Their cold eyes glittered, and they called to him with […]