Springfield, Day 1

This summer we’ll do our best to keep a journal of the activities we do when missions teams are down. That may serve not only just as a record of what we’ve done, but as ideas as well.

So the team from Fellowship Christian Church in Springfield, OH arrived Friday night, and has been active. Saturday was an introduction and integration day. They helped with football practice and then we did a prayer walk around the neighborhood (that’s when the rain started, of course) and then a prep time and supper at our favorite restaurant. Sunday was a church day and tourism, going to the pyramid in Cholula, again cut short by rain. In the evening we had a dessert time, designed to connect the group with various people we’ll be working with this week.

Today was Day One of the main group activity: workshops in the schools (high school and elementary) on good decision-making. We’re taking advantage of the fact that the group leader, Jeremy Hudson, grew up here in Puebla as an MK, speaks Spanish, and has extensive experience speaking in public schools. So he’ll be giving the talks and the teens in the group will be sharing their stories and connecting with kids 1-on-1. Today, with much prayer, we kicked things off with five 1-hour sessions at the high school. It went great!

Some of the highlights:

  • The teens in the group stepped out of their comfort zones and mixed with students, talking with them, getting over the language barrier.
  • Students really listened, incredible in this public school context. Teachers were amazed! Maybe putting kids in handcuffs played a role…
  • Connections with students. Eddie discovered that one of his students is a believer (who attends a church Jeremy’s parents started) and wants to start a Bible study with his friends.
  • Connections with teachers and staff. They really appreciate what we’re doing. They’re the ones who see the need, day in and day out.
  • This is really going to be a long post…we did a lot.

    Half the group split off at noon and went to the elementary school where we had our last English Club. The students got to show off their English to their parents (about a dozen) with different skits, receive certificates, and take their parents through their regular activities.

    After lunch, the other half of the group went with Eddie to his afternoon English class, then most of us went to play soccer up at the field (gringos won!). We made it back to the house just before the afternoon rains hit, then supper–tacos al pastor at our other favorite restaurant, Suprema Salsa.

    So that’s Day One. Some of these things are unique to the abilities of the group (Jeremy’s language and speaking abilities) and the timing (school’s still in session). We’re excited that we can take advantage of these factors to host a trip that is non-standard and serves the community in a way that will build relationships for the long haul. Tomorrow will be similar…we’ll see what happens.

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