A birthday anniversary at school

Wednesday was the 206th anniversary of Benito Juárez’s birthday. Benito Juárez is probably the most significant political figure in Mexico’s history. I don’t need to get into a biography here (here’s Wikipedia’s or About’s). Basically he was a Zapotec Indian orphan who rose out of poverty to become the leader of the reformist movement in […]

NOT the Big One

About noon today we were in the office (aka Starbucks) when the building started to shake, just a little at first then more and more, back and forth. Everyone’s reaction was the same: dawning realization, then looking around to see if anyone else felt it, then looking at each other with the thought, “What do […]

Ideas about the Universe not welcome

I’m on another GK Chesterson fling, this time Heretics. The quote of the day: But there is one thing that is infinitely more absurd and unpractical than burning a man for his philosophy. This is the habit of saying that his philosophy does not matter, and this is done universally in the twentieth century, …. […]

February Prayer Letter is here

Well, time for another prayer letter! Things are heating up here, both literally (the weather warmed up about two weeks ago) and in ministry (at least with lots of activity). Here the report. Click here or read it below the jump…