Bad news

…or maybe just a good excuse to buy a new camera…

Tonight we were out at the farm looking at the new calves, jumping into hay and going to Pop-pop’s cabin. We also went our to a well-type thing out in the field where we’d seen a bunch of snakes earlier and where Drew and Pop-pop had planted a tree last summer. We were going to check on the tree and take a photo of Drew with his tree (a growth chart for both of them). And of course Drew wanted a snake and I was happy to oblige…I leaned down and moved one of the flat rocks covering the mouth of the well and sure enough, there were a couple under it, no match for my quick hands. I got one and stood up, just in time to feel the (unzipped) camera bag flip over at my waist, the camera fall out, and, kerplop!…into the well. STINK!

Long story short…the well is only about four feet deep, so we got a pole from the barn and fished it out. It was fairly clean water, but of course on the bottom there was sediment. We came home, dried it out with a hair drier and are running a fan on it. And of course I googled “I dropped my camera in water” (lots of auto suggestions for that one). The one thing maybe we could do that I haven’t is to put it into a tub of distilled water and shake it around for a while, then dry it out good for a week. But I think probably this is the end of our Lumix. I suspect the SDHC card will be fine, but the camera, if not a total loss, at best will probably not work well going forward. Oh well.

You can check out our photos from before the disaster here.

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