Misc. Happenings

In the interest of actually writing here, I thought I’d do a quick general bullet-pointed post. A lot has happened this week, with little time to write. So we’ll go with a list, just to give an idea of a not-atypical busy week!

  • Tim, Drew and Gavin went camping this last weekend in Tlatlauquitepec, a small town in the hills of northeastern Puebla (state). It was with five other dads and their sons, 16 males (testosterone!) in all. It was to have fun, teach the boys camping, be together, and most of all to instill in the boys a love for God and a desire to know and serve him. It was a fantastic time. We explored, cooked, went into a cave, rapelled, and saw interesting critters (and ate some of them, too). I’ll link to the photos here when I get them uploaded.
  • This week is back-to-school, after two weeks off, so we’re back into all our regular activities. Monday was prep work for our visa, checking on our car (it should be ready next week, yippee!), and an unexpected purchase of a new battery for our borrowed car.
  • Monday and Tuesday were also back to Bible studies. Monday we read 1 John 4 with that study. It was a great time of interaction and learning. Tuesday we started a new study with a family. We’ll do our four week study, God, Humanity, Jesus, New Life. This Tuesday was “Who is God?” through the days of creation (7, yes, 7). A good start.
  • Tuesday and Wednesday were back-to-school days for Tim, as he went back to computer classes at the elementary school, and we started English club again. This makes for long days, although they are fulfilling and fun, or rather, funny, like having little 2nd graders show you the scar on their tummy from an apendectomy! Wednesday, Tim also had a wisdom tooth pulled. Not “fun” but there’s no pain now!
  • Today we turned in the application for our visa renewal. The system here almost makes you enjoy the process (at least in our experience). That is, it’s easy, the workers at Immigration (IMM) are friendly AND helpful, and it really doesn’t take much time to get done. We trust that in 3-5 weeks we’ll have the renewals. This will, Lord willing, be the last time for this kind of visa. Because Gavin and Fiona are Mexican citizens we can get a permanent visa, like a green card, and be done with the process. That will be worth it, we think.

So there, that’s some of what’s going in a full week!

Thanks for your prayers as we work here!

One Response to “Misc. Happenings”

  1. 1
    Mary Wilson

    Dear Barbara,

    Just a quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed meeting you at the women’s conference, El Camino!

    (I so appreciated your gentle whispering/translating in my ear….! 🙂 ….in the small groups! Thank you for that!

    I learned so much from studying the “Life’s Healing Choices” material before I left for Puebla, but gained even more through the Holy Spirit while participating in the actual conference. God continues to show me how to “let go of the control, let Him be in charge!” I hope you enjoyed the conference and I pray daily for you and the wonderful women I met. I am grateful for the opportunity and experience of meeting you and getting a small taste of missions in that part of the world. I understand why you and your family are there and pray for God’s leading and will be done on your behalf/ starting a new church there with these special, special people!

    Know that you and these women will be in my heart and prayers a long, long time!

    God bless you and your family, Barbara!

    Love, Mary

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