Merry Christmas Recipe

Start with 2 Samuel 7:8-16 move on to Isaiah 9:1-7. Then add a pinch of Luke 1:26-38 and a dash of Luke 2:1-7. Then for a touch of frosting on top jump to Revelation 5:5-10. There’s quite a bit more of the recipe normally, but this is the bare-bones version. We’re here with Miguel and […]


Este es para nuestros amigo en Puebla: ¡está nevando! Si creen que hace frío en Puebla, lo sentimos mucho.  Esta semana en el día la temperatura ha estado entre -3 y -8…en el sol. Y hoy, por fin, está nevando.  Estamos muy contentos al ver la nieve.  Es algo diferente y muy bonito.  y no […]

Some thoughts about police

Yesterday in the Tacoma area tens of thousands of people lined the streets to pay their respects to four police who were shot in cold blood. Besides the obvious tragedy we’ve felt, it’s been interesting for us to note the differences in law enforcement and the relationship between cops and communities here and in Mexico. […]