Trip update-August 2nd


We’re here at the Glads. We had a pretty good trip from Illinois. Drew and Alena were pretty excited to see each other. Gavin and Andrew (born three weeks apart you may remember) were quick to wave and say hi.

We made a useful discovery on the way. Before leaving PA, I discussed with PaPa ‘n PA if the gas gauge in newer cars (which tells you “X miles to empty”) is really accurate; i.e. if when it tells you “0 miles to empty” you run out of gas. Well, we ran the gas gauge down to “0 miles to empty”. And yes, the needle was really on empty, and yes, you can still drive at least two miles. We just got to an exit with a nearby gas station. A little closer than I usually cut it! Of course on the newer cars, now that it actually tells you “X miles to empty” it may be a little scarier than it really is. But we probably won’t let that happen again (for a while at least). We were (and remain) thankful for that station.

It looks as if the weather through SD tomorrow will be ok. We’re going to go out here and get some food for the camping, then enjoy the Glads a bit more.


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