August 2009 Prayer Letter
Greetings from the Pacific Northwest!
Well, we made it to Tacoma safely. What a trip! We’re thankful, very thankful, for the uneventful travels and good times at our various stops. Even the two rainy thunderstormy nights in our tent weren’t too bad. They could have been way worse, and now we’ve got a good start on camping built into our family DNA. And, yes, Barbara-Lee is awesome for going along with that!
We saw friends outside Chicago, in Iowa, then got to appreciate the wonders of the Badlands for a couple days, then Devils Tower before resting up in Billings. We managed to put the finishing touches on our presentation in Billings, then went to Missoula where we were greatly encouraged by Faith Baptist Church. What a warm welcome we got. Then, finally a long day’s drive, well not even too long, to Tacoma, where the Tim’s family was waiting for us as we pulled in at 6 PM. It was good to have rainy weather as we got to Tacoma. It just wouldn’t be Tacoma without it!
Thanks for your prayers and concern for us as we traveled. We’ll try to get some photos up, but there are about 1000 to review and organize first!
So what will be doing this year? That’s a question many have for missionaries on furlough/home assignment. Basically we’ll be doing three things:
1. Reporting. We’ll be visiting supporting churches and friends to report on what we’ve been doing for 5 years. This is a chance to renew old acquaintances and relationships and thank the Lord for the work He (and many of you) have allowed us to do.
2. Preparing. We’ll be working on going back to Puebla. Tim has a ThM thesis to research and write this year. We’ll also work on training for work we hope to do when we return to Puebla a year from now. Finally, we’ll be trying to put together a team of people to work with us in Puebla.
3. Refreshing. We hope to have some good times to relax, be together as a family, and grow closer to the Lord this year. It will be a chance to step out of the day-to-day pressures and stresses of “front-line” ministry and slow down a bit.
That about sums it up. Right now we’re getting settled into the house that some friends have graciously opened up for us this year and will be starting to visit supporters in September. Here are our prayer requests and praises…
1. Safe travels. We made it over 7000 miles from Puebla to Tacoma in safety and problem-free.
2. The house where we’ll be staying this year. What a blessing to be here.
3. The continuing good work in Puebla.
1. Continue to pray for Christian in Puebla as he works hard. They are having a church retreat this weekend.
2. The Lord’s guidance as we settle down and prepare for our time in Tacoma.
3. Drew will start school on Sept. 1. Please pray for a smooth adjustment and some good friends for him.
Tim, Barbara-Lee, Drew, Gavin, Fiona
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