A neat opportunity
It’s been a fairly full couple of weeks here, with traveling up to north Seattle to be with Bethany Bible Church and then our friends Stephen and Julia visiting (a friendship formed in Puebla with an English couple pastoring in Texas…that’s a different connection, a very good one!).
But tomorrow (almost today) I (Tim) get to start an exciting new ministry for the summer. It combines three of my passions: ministry, the Spanish-speaking world and…baseball. Yes! I’m going to be going to Tacoma’s own Cheney Stadium, home of the the Tacoma Rainiers, Seattle’s Triple A affiliate, to work with the chaplain ministry there to Spanish-speaking players. It’s a neat opportunity that presented itself last fall. One of the seminary students at our home church works for the Rainiers and told me that the chaplains were looking for someone who speaks Spanish to help them with the Latin American players. So, I got in touch and filled out an application with Baseball Chapel, the group that’s approved by baseball to handle ministries and a few weeks ago they approved me. So I’ll be volunteering and helping out this summer. The set up is that we hold chapel on Sundays before home games and then look for opportunities to disciple and serve players beyond that time.
It’s a great chance perhaps to minister to some guys in fairly unusual circumstances (baseball players, away from home and country) and get to do discipleship and encouragement and evangelism. Tomorrow I guess I’ll find out what things are like. Baseball Chapel goes out of their way to be professional and are pretty strict about what a chaplain does (as they should be), so it’s not likely there will be all sorts of stories I’ll be putting out there, but I thought I’d mention this since it is a really cool chance to combine three passions of mine! So please pray for opportunities to minister in a unique environment.
It was great having your family around Bethany! I hope we get to see you again before you head off to Puebla. I will tell Luke of your new opportunity. He will think that is the coolest thing ever…well, only cooler if it was with the Mariners, but he will still think it is great! I look forward to reading what you’re able to post about the experience.
God bless,