June 2010 Prayer Letter

Finishing up

Three weekends, two thousand miles, thirty-plus hours in the car. And lots of good fellowship with hosts and churches and friends. That’s how our last three meetings in churches went. We are thankful for our times with churches and supporters. It has been so good to reconnect. In Puebla people didn’t always understand our year away, but they did understand that we wanted to continue our relationship with people and churches in the U.S. that helped us to be there. So thank you for your part in that. We have enjoyed working on our relationship this year.

Last month we filled you in on our plans for returning to Puebla. This month there’s been a little change. Tim’s sister, Jana, has gotten engaged to one Nate Duriga, and they’ve set their wedding date for October 2. Soooo, rather than driving down to Puebla and returning shortly after, or, worse yet, missing the wedding, we’ve decided to wait until early October to go back down. We’ll use the extra month-and-a-half here to continue developing partnerships in our new work in Puebla, and towards finishing the ever-looming thesis.

Puebla update
A few weeks ago Tim had a phone conversation with a pastor in Puebla to share our hopes for ministry in Pueblo Nuevo. It was an encouraging conversation. He and his church would be great partners in a work. In fact, they have a small group that is based in Pueblo Nuevo and could potentially be the nucleus of work in the neighborhood. His church has a passion for starting churches and serving communities, so it would be a great fit to work with them. Our hope, of course, is to involve other churches (including Comunidad BĂ­blica) as well. We are excited, and nervous, about what God has for us going forward. It seems though, that in many little ways God is leading in this direction.

Family, Mt. Rainier

Heading to Richland the scenic way

Help Wanted
We continue to be blessed by ideas and plans. One recent example is diabetes education in the community. Mexico has a growing problem with obesity and diabetes. Other ideas are missions teams to help with ESL. Even a pastor’s visit would be welcome–we’re always looking for ways to strengthen our relationship with churches and supporters here in the States.


Silly kids

MKs & PKs in action!


1. For our times with churches–safe travels, good fellowship.
2. For a family wedding God’s work in the lives of Nate & Jana.
3. For God’s goodness as we look ahead.


1. For our plans to return to Puebla as listed above.
2. For continued preparations for the ministry in Pueblo Nuevo.
3. Please continue to pray for the church in Puebla, for unity, love, faith and hope.

Thank you for your prayers!

Tim, Barbara-Lee, Drew, Gavin, Fiona


2 Responses to “June 2010 Prayer Letter”

  1. 1

    I got a kick out of the Spanish translation of this post. It informs us that what we all thought were just kids goofing around are actually members of the Israeli legislature in action. And you thought YOUR government was silly!

  2. 2

    Well, it’s not a perfect (hardly!) translation, but I think the plugin is a work in progress that will get better, and it’s at least an effort to make the site accessible to both languages without writing stuff out twice–even if it sometimes is, shall we say, rather imperfect!

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