Congratulations to Nate & Jana

Umm, yeah, this is a little bit late in coming, I know, but I haven’t exactly been tearing up the blogosphere with posts lately. So, to offset the rain pouring down outside (will I run or not run in the downpour? I already walked to and from picking Drew up in the rain today…and mowed the lawn in the rain…but I digress…) we offer a hearty electronic congratulations to Nate and Jana on their engagement and Nate’s graduation and the arrival of Nate’s family to Tacoma. Hip, hip, hooray!

We’re excited for them, at how God’s brought them together in his providence (or Providence, but I like the small “p” better) and at the joy they have in each other and in him. God is good (always) and his blessings are amazing. So the two of you are aptly brought together and very good for each other. We’re excited to walk with you and see his hand guiding your future…together!

Even when it’s dumping rain.

Nate & Jana

Nate & Jana

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