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Why do we need your prayers? A couple weeks ago we were reminded just how important they are. Tim was on his way home from Madero University when he stopped by the house of one of the youth (we'll call him "Vicente") to say hi. Much to his surprise he arrived at the same time as two Jehovah's Witnesses who were there to do a study. So hoping to counteract the effects of the study, and praying for wisdom in what to say and not to say, Tim sat through the time, and then chatted with our friend afterwards. He has made a profession of faith, but still is confused about some things. One draw of the JW's: they did the study in English with him. That shows the pull of English. It also shows how much we need your prayers, and the reality of the spiritual conflict we are in. You are, too, actually. Ephesians 6:10-20.
Our "Dia de Campo" at the end of October went very well, with lots of new visitors. November was a busy month, with usual activities (Bible studies, English, preaching, youth group, etc..) as well as an EBM retreat in the middle of the month. It was encouraging to take a few days and go away with colleagues to talk, reconnect, and have fun. Of course, we also celebrated Thanksgiving--the only U.S. holiday we take time off for. Giving thanks is a 'home' tradition well-worth keeping. We also enjoyed having Tim's sister, Laura, with us for a few days over Thanksgiving. She set a record for shortest visit (four days)!
December has also been fast-paced. This past Sunday evening we hosted a Christmas party for our neighbors. It was a good time and we were able to meet some of our neighbors and get to know them better. As we look ahead, there are three specific things we'll be doing this month. First, we hope to rent a theater for a showing of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe to invite and make contact with
university students, as well as other friends. There is a strong correspondence between the story and the Gospel, and we hope to use it as a bridge. We have 245 seats for it! Second, we are hoping to lay the groundwork for an English Lunch Club at a local university, in which students will eat lunch with English-speaking volunteers from the church. We hope this will provide many opportunities for relationships. Third, on December 19th the youth group will be going to an orphanage to give Christmas presents, play games, and present the Christmas story. We are seeing how difficult it can be to make contact with people and be able effectively share the Gospel with them. These are some ways we hope to accomplish that goal.
1. Vicente's sister has started coming to youth group, and she showed up at a breakfast Bible Study Tim is doing with Vicente and another guy.
2. Drew's 3rd birthday party was a good time to spend with neighborhood kids.
3. Our Picnic Day last month went very well with numerous visitors.
1. As we look toward the new year, we hope to be able to start Bible studies with three families with whom we've been building friendships. Commitment--especially to something spiritual--can be very difficult. Please pray that God will give us wisdom in our approach as well as open hearts so they would be willing to study the Bible with us for a couple months.
2. Please pray that God would open the doors to campus ministry in the two universities where we have contacts.
3. Please pray for Vicente.
We had a very good Thanksgiving. It was fun that week to be able to talk to Drew's class about Thanksgiving, and tell the story of the Pilgrims to 3 and 4 year-olds. We trust you had a good day, and that your giving thanks is not limited to one day! "We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you..." (Colossians 1:3-8)
In Christ,
Tim, Barbara-Lee, and Drew
Drew's Vocab Quiz
Last Month's Words: 1. ¿vas con nosotros?= Are you coming with us? 2. ¿quieres mi paleta?=Would you like my lollipop? 3. ¡Soy un monstruo!=I'm a monster! 4. brooma=Drew was trying to say "broom" (escoba), and, unsure how to put it, he called it "brooma"!
New Words: 1. Me caí 2. patineta 3. rompecabeza 4. The reality is that a vocab quiz is really inadequate to express Drew's Spanish skills. He's talking and communicating complete sentences in Spanish now.
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