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We discovered yesterday that the harmattan is not only in Africa. The harmattan is the dry, winter season in West Africa when farmers burn off the dry vegetation in their fields to prepare for the upcoming planting season. Yesterday, Tim was in the back yard with Drew when he heard a crackling noise coming from behind the 20-foot wall on the back side of our house. He went up to the roof, and there was a fire blazing its way through the brush in the empty lot behind us. There have been a few fires back there, most likely set to burn off the vegetation, but this one was bigger and spreading quickly much nearer to the house. He wasn't really too worried, since brick walls don't burn very well, but thought it best to get the hose ready just in case. When Barbara-Lee came home, she was surprised to find Tim playing fireman, spraying water down on the fire from the roof. In the end, it probably wasn't necessary to break out the fire equipment, but it was fun!
Our year has gotten off to a different schedule than last year's. We are not going to be quite as active at some of the local universities. Our responsibilities with the church are such that we feel the need to cut back somewhere and that was where we chose. Instead of taking classes at the university we are studying Mexican history with Victor and Marta (our co-leaders at the church) and taking a couple hours of Spanish lessons from a university professor. We feel that we ought to make it a priority to improve in these areas. Linguists use the term "fossilization" when a person learns a language, but never irons out bad habits and mistakes. We have no desire to become fossils quite yet! Leading Bible studies, starting some discipleship work, and doing counseling is filling up our remaining time. Tim is still going in to Madero University to do some English work, and hopes to resume the Galatians study that he did last fall. The two directors with whom he leads English practice decided they'd like to read 1 Peter in English (one is a believer; José, the other one for whom you've prayed, is the other).
Drew keeps growing. His language skills have jumped in the last two or three weeks. He's really starting to pick up a lot of Spanish words (see quiz below!)
We do so much appreciate your prayers. Being relatively new in ministry, it's hard to find a balance between meeting our responsibility to work hard for the Lord on the one hand, and yet realizing that the work and the results are God's. We've had a couple reminders of the latter the last two Sundays. Two weeks ago, Adrian, one of our leaders, shared that his wife's cousin had accepted the Lord the previous day. Today, the parents of one of the youth both came to church, unexpectedly. Ultimately, results and victories come from the Lord and we are convinced your prayers play a part in that. So thank you!
1. We mentioned a couple with domestic problems last month. Please continue to pray. They are going to a Christian counseling center, and we met with them two weeks ago hoping to begin a Bible study with them. However, today, we learned that things aren't going well. Pray that Tim will be able to meet with the husband this week.
2. Pray for faithfulness among the 'regulars' at church. Attendance and commitments have been a bit spotty to start the year.
3. By our next letter, we hope to have our FM-3 visa (it allows us to be here as missionaries). In the mean time our permission for our car runs out Jan. 31, so we'll be doing lots of bus riding!
Mailing address:
APDO 1072
Puebla, Pue. MEXICO
C.P. 72000
New Phone: 011 (522) 222-48-50-07