We are pleased, well, ecstatic, to welcome Gavin & Fiona into our family! They were born on September 28th at 10:54 AM (Gavin), and 10:55 AM (Fiona). Gavin wieghed 3 kilos (that's 6 lbs 9.6 oz) and measured 50 cm (that's 19.68 inches). Fiona weighed 2.95 kilos (that's 6 lbs 8 oz) and measured 51.5 cm (that's 20.25 inches). Put together they're more than 3 pounds heavier than their big brother Drew weighed at birth, and, oh, about 44 cm longer. But that's not a fair fight, is it, two against one? Hopefully there won't be too much fighting, as Drew loves his brother and sister. They're not too responsive to him yet, but we'll give them a couple of days to come around.
Barbara-Lee is doing well. She's moving around, and refusing pain medication at every turn. She plans on running a marathon next Saturday to celebrate losing all that weight so quickly! (Pause, while she pummels this poor writer) ... She put up with a lot over the last several months and is resting at home. We broke out, er, paid our way out, of the hospital on Saturday, September 30th.
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. We are so thankful to the LORD for his kindness and love.
"Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, His love endures forever." (Psalm 136:1)